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Our Services

Provide all logistic services

Reliance Gate provides all logistics services including shipping, inland transport, and storage.

It is also specialized in dealing with the Jordanian armed forces and the Government departments by providing all logistic services

Reliance Gate is a certified trustee for the US Embassy and the Jordanian Armed Forces for joint projects between the United States and the Jordanian Armed Forces.

Reliance Gate is accredited by foreign companies in the field of Logistics (Agent of Final Mile Logistics Company, USA)

Aviation sector

Reliance Gate offers to several countries many services including the aviation sector through pilot training and aircraft rehabilitation and among its projects: 

Western Aircraft and Helicopter Support Services:

We support a variety of Fixed Wing fleet types, primary Boeing and Airbus and in addition having access to strategic consignments placed globally with customer and suppliers, We also supports a number of Rotary Wing Aircraft primary Sikorsky, Bell& Eurocopter. The support offered by Reliance Gate covers many platforms and products from Parts Supply to Repair and Overhaul of Components and aircraft & Ground Support Equipment:

Russian Aircraft and Helicopter Support Services:

We cover a wide range of Russian Aircraft & Helicopter types and models, our support services extends to the supply of Aggregates, Spare-Parts, Consumables, Documentations, Overhaul /Repair and Up-Gradation and Modernization .


Our company is authorized to sell, purchase& lease all kind of aircraft in collaboration with the most reliable aviation companies in the world. Especially the small & medium range aircraft used for air charters

 Consultation and Outsource Support

Reliance Gate provides a comprehensive technical consultation and outsources support for aviation, oil& gas and other business domains, Reliance Gate as a focus on aviation business priorities provides the following types of consultations dedicated to aviation disciplines and industry sectors in an effort to expand business horizon and ensure successful business conduct. 
Our consultations services are aligned with governmental and aviation regulatory regulations and based on international business practices:

  • Regulations: Reliance Gate by its professional aviation consulting and analytical support staff can provide full package of the regulations governing the establishment of Aviation investment in Jordan as well as in the region, that is to include the regulations issued by the Ministry of Industry and Economic, Ministry of Defense , Civil Aviation Authorities.
  • Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Establishment: Reliance Gate offers all needed requirement as far as Repair Center Establishment, that is to include targeted aircraft in the region based on scientific analysis and market research work force needed long with certification and approval, facility requirements to include hanger, workshops accessories compatible to Safety Regulations issued by the NFPA and requirements of Unified Facilities Criteria UFC.
  • Aircraft Operations and Maintenance Assessment Services: Reliance Gate provides assessment of aircraft and maintenance from an operator prospective.
  • Feasibility Studies and Cost Analysis: Based on the vast experience and wide knowledge in aviation industry, Reliance Gate accomplishes professional feasibility studies and cost analysis in an effort to define the weaknesses and strengths of a proposed or exiting business venture.


 Airlines TRAINING:

  • Flight Crew Training Cockpit Crew Training.
  • Type Rating.
  • Airbus 340-300, Airbus 310-300, Airbus 320,330.
  • Boeing 737,600-900, B777.
  • Type Rating Instructor.
  • Boeing Difference Training (Classic/ Ng).
  • Common Crew Courses.
  • Cabin Crew Training.
  • Practical Training.
  • Cabin Crew Practical Training.
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